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By Diane Cardano-Casacio

This is where you have 1-2 sentences to explain why someone should listen to you.

Looking to Sell Your Home? Be prepared and do your homework when selling your home. Diane can help you learn how to sell your home fast and keeping equity in your pocket. Book a Free Strategy Call

Are you ready to make thousands of dollars on your home sale while spending only $600? Dive into the world of pre-home inspections and learn why they are essential, especially in today’s competitive seller’s market.

Discover how pre-home inspections can help you dodge potential pitfalls and legal issues, ensuring a smooth and profitable transaction.
Learn the step-by-step process of pre-home inspections, from hiring the right inspector to leveraging inspection reports during negotiations. Learn how to identifying crucial repairs and using them as a negotiating tool to secure the price you deserve.


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